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5. International Conference on Engineering Technologies ICENTE 2021

5. International Conference on Engineering Technologies ICENTE 2021

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Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the official site of 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies in Konya/TURKEY (ICENTE 2021). The organized first conference will be held three-day in Konya/TURKEY as VIRTUAL, during November 18-21, 2021. The conference will be organized by Selçuk University (Faculty of Technology).

ICENTE’21 is a multidisciplinary conference formed by the combination of engineering branches (Biomedical, Computer, Electrics & Electronics, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Metallurgy & Materials and Civil Engineering).

The main purpose of our conference is to provide a platform to share and discuss the latest information and innovations in engineering fields. With this opportunity, our academicians, scientists and research fellows will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience in different fields of engineering discipline. The conference will provide a platform to present the results of the researches and developments and to highlight related activities from around the world.

The papers sent will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and the papers approved by the scientific committee will be presented at conference. The selected papers that presented in the conference that match with the topics of the journals will be oriented about to be evaluation for publish in the following journals:

• Artificial Intelligence Studies (AIS)

• Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences (GJES)

• International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers (IJAMEC)

• International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies (IJAET)

• International Journal of Energy Applications and Technology (IJEAT)

• MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)

• Open Journal of Nano (OJN)

• Selcuk University Journal of Engineering Sciences (SUJES)

Please note that peer-review process will be subjected to the all selected papers for publication. It does not mean the all papers selected will be accepted for publication in the journals mentioned previously.

We will be pleased to form a common platform where you can share your expertise, experience, and resources with your colleagues.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Şakir TAŞDEMİR
On the behalf of Organizing Committee

Additional Details


Date And Time

2021-11-18 / 09:00 to
2021-11-20 / 18:00



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